Monday, October 3, 2016

1 hr. after a busy few days with family stuff I got some time in the garage today working on the forward center fuselage.

Don't assume these part locations are all correct.  I need to confirm with other builder logs.

Another view (same caveat as above).

The rudder pedals will go here.

Gathering the rudder pedal assemblies.

Another view.


  1. How do your control stick tubes fit? Mine were really tight even though I filed the brackets so they didn't compress the bushings. I had to elongate the screw holes in the bracket that mounts to the main spar so that the bracket could move further towards the front and reduce the friction on the bushing. I'm hoping it gets a little better after the angle on the front floor is correct (after the side skin is put on).

    1. I haven't really checked the fit yet. I'm at the point where I'm just going to write my own set of instructions because of how much is missing from the manual. When I don't have a set of instructions to follow I tend to just grind to a halt...

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