Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Further investigations and discussions with EdgePerformance leads me to this kit which uses a Rotax 912ULS and adds turbo and fuel injection (and some other things).  If you use the full boost potential it makes 154 HP...  You can use less of course for better fuel consumption.  Best part is that the total built price is less than a 914.  No vapor lock issue, no carb icing, no carb sync'ing, better fuel consumption...  Hmmm.....


  1. Replies
    1. Yup. Doesn't really bother me though. This is experimental aviation, people do that kind of thing all the time. The one thing I would not do is use an automotive engine in an aircraft.

  2. What about Sling 4's VNE of 135 kias? Has the factory commented on what changes will be made to bump this up once they install the Rotax 915? Seems like it would be easy to bust with 154 hp!

    1. I haven't heard anything from the factory on what changes they plan for the 915. For me, if I choose to go with modified 912 (or 915 for that matter), I'll just be sure to not bust that Vne. Also, for the mod, I'll probably dial the boost back to the 130 HP range.
