Sunday, June 11, 2017

1.5 hrs on the center console.

Test fitting pieces.

Barge is used by showmakers so I guess it's the go to glue for leather and whatever.

The cover will go on like this.

We're going to cover the interior first, so let's scruff up the surfaces.

Blow out all the dust.

Clean it with my Extreme Simple Green solution.

Cover each surface with the Barge and let sit for at least 5 minutes.

VERY sticky stuff, so place very gingerly....

Inside done and looking good!

Now to start the top.  Just doing the inside surface at this point.

And it's down.  And it's not going anywhere!

Flipped over...

...and in place for a fit test.  Next session I'll take this further.


  1. How will you mount the iPad? I feel like making it something flexible enough to accommodate future versions would be a good plan. Maybe a low-profile Ram mount or something?

  2. Yeah, I'll probably do something external (though low-profile) so that I can easily change things. I'm currently thinking about the new 10 inch iPad. I think that will be perfect.

  3. Seems like it'll be great! Reviews are awesome, anyhow.
