Monday, September 4, 2017

1 hr. doing the 2nd coat on the seats and misc. other things.

And how does that tail of the rudder cable reach the M5 bolts on the divider?  Why do I get the feeling I didn't thread that cable correctly?...  The bolts aren't in this pic, but the M5 rivnuts are.

2nd coat (waited 48 hours as per the instructions) done.

Checking that the big M10 bolts thread through the holes here and.....  And they do.  I've heard it's much harder to get them to all line up....  I'm probably at least 2 months from trying that.


  1. There should be some long springs that connect the tails to the M5 bolts on the fuselage former.

  2. Doh.... I forgot about those! ;-) And I know where I have them...

    BTW, did you insulate the skin under the luggage floor? The underside of my luggage floor is insulated, so I'm not sure if I wanted to go to the trouble of putting in on the bottom too.

  3. No I just did the under side of the luggage floor.
