Monday, December 24, 2018

Just an hour today working on the brake lines.

Got my package of parts today from Aircraft Spruce.  In there were my parts for the brake lines.  Here's the part for the caliper (not fully installed yet).

Routing the lines under the rear floor.

All the parts (thanks BobZ for the assist!).  One question: The parts shown above the coupler (above the "T") - Do I use the one on the right or left?  I can't figure out how the one on the right holds the 1/4" plastic line (whereas the one on the left, you just tighten and it holds the line).  Tightening the one on the right doesn't seem to do anything.  I must be missing something...🤷‍♂️

Pros seem to use this product for thread sealing of hydraulic and air lines.  Seems way better than teflon tape.  See the next pic for the backside.

Will hold up to 12,000 psi.... Seems like enough...  Also, it's impervious to pretty much any liquid or gas.  Any reason I shouldn't use this stuff?


  1. one on the right looks like a metal tubing compression fitting.

    1. Yeah, you're right, it's not the right part for my use.
