Saturday, April 6, 2019

2 hrs. on firewall forward.

I did find the fuel pumps, TCU, Turbo Servo and ambient pressure sensor (I kept calling it a temp sensor, but it's a pressure sensor).

Found the Turbo Servo (on left) and TCU (right) in a box with all the cabling coming out, which is all attached to the engine.

And the fuel pumps were in a smaller box inside the larger box.

The ambient pressure sensor was also in the box with the TCU and servo.

The engine 😁

Starting to put on the various parts...

This unmarked bag seems to be the package containing the hardware for the turbo servo attachment (though a few part numbers are different).

Looks like the servo can't be put on now because the cable attached to it doesn't seem like it can easily detach at either end.  True?  It does seem though like the bushing is longer than it's supposed to be as the nuts wouldn't have threads showing.  Looks longer than the manual photo for sure.

The ambient pressure sensor in place.

Bottom view of that.

Starting to get there!  The brake line is temporarily in place obviously as there's no grommet for the pass-through.

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