Saturday, October 18, 2014

1.5 hrs test fitting the skin on the rudder and riveting the rudder structure.

Testing the hinge connections of the vertical stabilizer to the rudder.  Good to go!

Test fit of the skin on the rudder.

Hmm, a twist of the trailing edge.  I think when I'm going to rivet the skin I just need to be cognizant of any twist of the trailing edge.

Detail photo of the bottom of the mounting channel of the rudder.

Bottom of the rudder.

Note how the bends of that bottom piece point up.

Detail of the top of the rudder channel.

Now with the top rib installed.

Uh oh... The holes are missing from the bottom two ribs for the connection of the strengthening rib.  Perhaps I got the Sling 2 ribs?  I'll have to figure out how to locate where to drill the holes...

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