Friday, October 24, 2014

2 hrs finished up the fabrication of the top rib of the vertical stabilizer which contains the VOR antenna, created the holes in the skin through which the antenna and hex key pokes through and riveted the rib to the mounting channel.

Make sure the skin is on and lined up for marking the inside of the skin where it will be drilled through.

View on the inside where it will be marked for the antenna hole and hex key hole.  A set for each side.

Marked off for drilling and filing.

After a couple of test fits and lots of filing to fine-tune it, it fits!

Ready to be attached. But first I needed to drill into the 4 rivet holes nearest the VOR "puck" so that the shortened rivets can be inserted.

And it's riveted on!  Next I'll construct the cable for the VOR, snake that through (how did Gordon do it?) and snake the 4-core lighting wire through the grommets already installed.

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