Sunday, November 16, 2014

3 hrs finalizing the stiffener rib install and riveting the rudder.  Almost done with the tail kit!

Had to drill the holes for the stiffener rib (they sent me the ribs for the 2, and the 4 has a stiffener that the 2 doesn't have).  Since I didn't drill the holes exactly where they should be had to redrill a little, so I made the middle rivet a bigger one.

All cleco'ed up and ready to rivet!

My new favorite tool!  A chucking reamer (sizes #30 and #20) to fine-tune the holes which are too tight.  Quicker and easier than the hand reamer I was using.

Nearly done!  Still have to do the small skin for the top of the rudder and decide what I'll do for now regarding the strobe.  I don't have the strobe kit, so I may just leave that for later.

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