Sunday, December 28, 2014

2 hrs. drilling and riveting of the aileron ribs

An aileron rib and 2 hinges cleco'ed up.  It wasn't completely obvious from the drawings how these are oriented, but I looked at someone else's build log and figured it out.

All riveted!

This hinge had to have it's holes drilled out for the 4.8mm rivets.  I used a 3/16" drill bit, though with that bit they're still a little undersized.  Been trying to use a hand reamer to get them up to 4.8mm, but it's been a pain...  I ordered a #13 chucking reamer for the 4.8mm rivets.

I found that one of the aileron ribs was warped (the holes were clearly not lined up), so I took fluting pliers to it and it looks pretty straight now (by sight).  Once I cleco the skins on I'll see if any more fluting is required.  Remember the fluting has to be away from the skin (the bend created should be inward, away from the skin).

My fluting pliers.

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