Saturday, December 13, 2014

2.5 hr's pulling plastic off the aileron and flap skins and deburring their edges.  Found that I have 2 wrong flap hinge brackets.

Here I am pulling off plastic.  This 1st aileron took 40 min to pull the plastic, but for whatever reason the rest of the ailerons and flaps pulled off very quickly.

The rudder and vertical stabilizer shelved to make room for the aileron and flap work.

Uh oh...  Wrong flap hinge bracket on the right...

Pulling the plastic from the inside of the aileron.

Running my finger along the inside curl to pull off the inside plastic.

My new cool cleco plier.  It's supposed to make cleco'ing less taxing on your hand.  We'll see.  It's available only here.

Hmmm... An edge of one of the flaps is kinked.  Is it a problem??

Another view.

Miles of clean aluminum. :-)

Deburring the skin edges.

Checking out the alignment of one of the aileron ribs.  The middle piece, the hinge bracket needs to be drilled out to 4.8mm to match the holes of the other two pieces.  Big rivets in those holes!

Description is wrong for 2 of the hinge brackets.  Also shows which hinge bracket is missing.

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