Saturday, January 3, 2015

3 hrs. finishing the ailerons and the flap ribs.

I do my rivets in three waves: 1st wave of the ones that go right in, a second wave of ones that require a little more force and I use my home made pusher (shown) to wiggle the rivet with a little force (not too much because you don't want to damage the skin) and a third wave in which I use a chucking reamer to ream out the hole to size.  The sizes I use are:
3.2mm rivet ==> #30
4.0mm rivet ==> #20
4.8mm rivet ==> #11

Ailerons ready to start riveting.

One of the holes on the aileron skins didn't have a matching hole in the rib.  Drilled out and riveted.

Bottom of the ailerons all riveted.

Ailerons done!

Flap ribs all set to go. Many of the ribs needed fluting to get them straight.  I did that by simply sighting down the rivet holes and gently fluting until they were lined up (again by sight).  I'll find out tomorrow if doing it by sight is sufficient.

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