Sunday, April 5, 2015

1.5 hrs. Putting together my new priming setup and removing plastic from wing nose ribs.

Using a garment rack (bought from Amazon) I attached a large towel to the hanging bar with clips top and bottom.  Here's a picture of one side - the other side also has parts hanging, so I can actually prime many parts in one shot.  I use 14 gauge solid wire to hang the parts.

Unwrapped the main wing spars to get ready for deburring, cleaning and priming.  I recently read a quote from an expert builder and accident investigator that said that every time they investigated an accident due to a metal structural member failing it was always due to that part not being properly deburred (crack propagating).  I ran my finger along the edges of the spar and they need to be deburred.  I will be very careful to ensure silky smooth edges.

Wing Nose Ribs 106, 107 and 109.  One of the 106 ribs was labeled 109 and the 106 and 109 seem to be perfectly identical - so the question is, do I have the correct 106 ribs?  Perhaps the 106 and 109 ribs are the same and one was just mislabeled?  Stay tuned.

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