Sunday, April 26, 2015

3 hrs. today priming most of the remaining wing parts, including the spars.  Also cleco'ed together the wing jigs.

I finished my video of the complete part prep process.  I show myself spraying the spars only once or twice, but I actually sprayed them multiple times per side to make sure I had complete coverage.  Turned out great.:

Parts on the rack and the longer ones on the tarp ready for the spray gun.

I found that the wing jigs which have the "right" parts seem to be for the left wing and vice-versa.  Until I figure out if I did something wrong I won't rivet them.  This is a photo of the root jig with the "right" labeled parts, but it's clearly for the left wing because the part sticking out is supposed to connect to the main spar which is in front.  Is left and right opposite in South Africa? :-)

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