Saturday, April 18, 2015

4 hrs. today finishing up the wing rib sub-assemblies and starting the prep on the remaining wing parts.

Notice the rivets that must be riveted from the inside (as per the instructions).

Hmm, two holes on Wing Rib 8 that don't have matching holes in the part behind.  Drill through and rivet?

Torquing the hinge nuts.  AN4 bolts need 85 in-lbs, but you need to add the friction drag of the nuts.  I estimated (not sure how to measure it...) that to be 15 in-lbs, so the total set on the torque wrench was 100 in-lbs.

Nuts marked!

Wing Rib 8's finished!

Uh oh, seems I have two left parts (WG-CHL-007-L-C-0), not a left and right.

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