Tuesday, June 9, 2015

1 hr. working on the nose ribs and other fiddling...

I was given a heads-up by builder Bob Zaleski that the forward-most flanges of the nose ribs should be rounded to better mate up with the leading edge skin.  Here's what it looks like before modification.

Using a socket and a rawhide mallet I rounded that flange (and the one on top).

And with a little additional filing, this is what it looks like.  Subtle curving.

Here's another nose rib where it's a little more visible.  Nice.

Page 8, Detail A says to check that the bottom of the rear spar meets up with the angle on the ribs.  Here's an example where it doesn't quite meet up.  For now I've cleco'ed them together, but I'll address this more thoroughly when I flip over the structure.

Miscellaneous  stuff that came in the mail!  Filler, for filling in the rivet heads (and fairing the various composite wing tips to the metal); Adel clamps of various sizes for electrical cabling, 14g wire for the pitot and nylon sheathing for the wiring.

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