Tuesday, June 2, 2015

1.75 hr. riveting rear spar.  Decided it was better to take the rear spar off the jigs to rivet it since it was under some stress on the jigs and it was bending the connection between the two main sections.  I want it straight, so off it came.

First I found that the hinge part marked 5R was really 5L (and visa-versa), so I swapped the parts and the misaligned holes you see below went away.  This would have been easy to miss because all the holes you rivet at this stage were aligned.

The rear spar down in the ground and riveted!  All the holes I shouldn't rivet were marked with red dots (well except that first row which I knew shouldn't be riveted).

The other end.

Notice how the nose rib flanges are straight.  They need to be curved a bit so that the skin has a smooth curve and is not faceted.

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