Friday, June 19, 2015

1.5 hrs. working on the fuel tanks.  Starting by cleco'ing the ribs into the skins.  Note that the fuel tanks will NOT be primed.  Just cleaned.

Put the skin in the jig.

A video showing how I cleco the ribs to the skins of the fuel tanks.  This is the last rib going on.  The first one is the hardest and you should be careful pushing down and aligning the rib so as to not buckle the rib.

Voila! :-)

I forgot to post this the other day.  I bought a high sensitivity torque wrench to measure the friction drag torque when I'm putting on nuts.  I have a click wrench for putting them on but you can't use that to measure the friction drag torque of the nuts before it's tightened.  You need to add that measured amount to the native torque value for the bolt you're using as your final torque value.

The way I measure the friction drag torque is to put the nut on the bolt down near where it will finally rest and turn it slowly with this torque wrench and see what it measures (I saw 5 in-lbs for the last one I tightened).  Then I add that amount to the native torque value from the torque chart for the AN bolts and that's my final total torque that I dial into my click-type torque wrench.

Here's Van's torquing instructions and torque chart for AN bolts.

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