Friday, August 28, 2015

2 hrs doing misc things related to the tanks and the wings.

Got my Class A (brush-able) sealant yesterday.  This will be for general coverage inside the tank (anywhere it's not between metal surfaces).

Any time I have lots of things to do and can do them in various orders, it's time to make a list to serialize my tasks, so it doesn't seem overwhelming.  After I took this pic I made several additions as I realized missed tasks.

Had to countersink the backside of the fuel cap flange so that the rivet will have something to grab, otherwise it would have been too deep of a hole for the rivet to grab.

I wasn't happy with the way the fuel cap was sitting, so I flipped over the inner ring and re-seated it more precisely.  I slowly trimmed off the corner of the inner ring until the fuel cap sat flat when inserted.

Got my new rib 106's and deburred, cleaned and primed them.  I really like my clean and prime method and the sprayer I use, because I can turn things around quickly.  Quick setup and cleanup.

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