Friday, August 21, 2015

3.5 hrs. working on the fuel tanks.

Also, over the past few days I've been doing further research on sealants...  Since I can be kind of obsessively neat and organized, the way the sealant looks inside the tank has been bothering me (though the looks really don't matter...).  My research indicates that between metal surfaces you should use the super viscous (and frustrating) Class B sealant - which I've been doing.  But, for inside the tank where you're covering the rivet heads and general coverage, Class A, is perfectly fine.  The nice thing about Class A - it's brush-able!  So, it should go on much easier and look way better (and cover better too).  I ordered some Class A a few days ago, so you all will know in a week of so if what I've read is correct.

I also decided that while I really appreciate that all the small parts (e.g. rivets, bolts, screws, etc.) coming nicely organized and labeled in plastic packaging, I don't like having to search through those to look for the parts I need.   So, I'll go to Harbor Freight and get a bunch of plastic bins that are perfect for lots of small parts.  I already had one for miscellaneous parts, but I want to make that the general approach for all the small parts.

Test fitting the fuel sender to the PCD Flange Plate.  The open hole has to be drilled out to 10mm (I ordered a set of metric drill bits, which I don't have.  Coming tomorrow).  Also it will require countersinking on the other side to allow a rubber gasket to sit in the hole.

Believe or not all these go on the post on the other side from the fuel sender.  I placed them down in order so I don't screw up putting them back on...

Test fit of the fuel inlet tube and fuel return fittings.

At the other end of the fuel tank there's the breather and overflow tubing.  The overflow tube will have to be bent to create a jog around the rib flange where it exits the bottom of the tank.

I think this is where the instructions say the breather tube is supposed to be positioned... "Top outer corner".

Test fitting the back plate and Z-brackets which will connect the tank to the wing.

Hmm, this angle on the back plate flange seems too sharp.  I'll have to bend that out a bit (pending my analysis of how it lines up with the wing spar).

And here's the test fitting of the back plate with the Z-brackets to the wing spar.  Nice!

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