Sunday, August 9, 2015

4.5 hrs over the last two days working on the wings as I wait for the new sealant to arrive.

Well, since I got the reamer for enlarging the holes in flange plate, I did that for both tank's parts.

Cleaning up the holes.

And they now match!

For my misaligned holes in wing skin 1 it was recommended to dull the sides of a drill bit for drilling up through spar to the skin.  Well, there was no room to fit a drill to go from that angle, so I ended up carefully using a tight-fit angle drill to drill through.

Held down the skin with these cleco clamps.

Not pretty, but that part of the skin will be covered by the wing tank skins.

Tried out one of my 4 Sunspot 36LX LED Landing Lights.  Bright!!

A test fit of my incomplete right wing tank.  It fits!

Nice to hold in my hands the first piece and brains of the electrical system.  VP-X Pro.  Nice.

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