Saturday, September 19, 2015

1.5 hrs. on the fuel tank.  Not easy to get back into it after 2 weeks away...  Spent half an hour just figuring out what to do...

Had to drill out to 4mm the holes for the fuel drain.  Notice how close the new holes come to the drain hole.  Not concerned since these aren't structural - they just need to be sealed well.  But, just be careful if you're doing this drilling to angle the reamer in such a way as to not breach between the rivet hole and the large hole.  I wasn't really paying attention as I didn't realize how close it was going to be.

Getting ready to bend the strap for holding the fuel pickup down.

Measuring where the initial bend will be.

Using a drill bit about the same size as the pickup to bend around and needle nose pliers I got it.

In place.

A new thing I'm going to be putting at the end of these blog entries is a "NEXT SESSION" section.  It's always a good idea to plan your next session so you're not wasting time figuring it out at the beginning of that session.

  1. Seal and rivet the drain and the strap.  Must remember to put Loctite on the threads for the pickup fitting!
  2. Put in place the fuel sender assembly.
  3. Return to work on the right wing.

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