Saturday, October 3, 2015

3 hrs. installing a connecting piece on the rear support channel and doing the right wing wiring.

Installed this plate between the 2 pieces of the rear support channel.

Installed the grommets for the wiring.

Unrelated to the wiring, I tested the fuel level senders.  The resistance varied between 10 and 200 ohms for both senders - good to go!

Measuring out the wires.

Tested them all for continuity - all good!

Bundling the wiring in sheathing.

Have to have the wires separated for the whole sheathing process to work...

Wrapped the end I was inserting to make it easier to thread it through.


Here's a video of me doing the sheathing.

 Away for a week for work, but when I return...

  1. Flip wing over to start the process of riveting the bottom skin!

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