Sunday, October 11, 2015

4 hrs. Flipped the wing, test fit of skins and prepped the bottom skins.

After cleco'ing up the bottom skin I found that the bottom stringer was pushing the rib about 1/4".  This pic doesn't show it because I had already removed the cleco's (though you can see that if you lined up the holes in the stringer with the skin holes it would push the rib).  Clipped off about 1/4" from the end of the stringer.

Just a view of the bottom skins during the test fit.

This is after I clipped off about 1/4" from the stringer.

All of the bottom skins (including the left wing) cleaned, deburred and primed.  With my equipment and process now, my cleaning, priming and sprayer clean-up is quick enough that I can do all of it "just-in-time" before the parts are needed.

Fully prepped skins back on the wing.  Ready for cleco'ing and riveting.  Need to make sure I don't rivet holes where the fuel tank will attach.  Also the last row of holes on the step ribs (closest in this picture) should not be riveted since the top skin there comes around the trailing edge.

  1. Cleco'ing and riveting of the bottom skins.  Make sure the jigs are perfectly level with each other before any riveting!!

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