Sunday, October 18, 2015

4 hrs. Prepping the leading edges, putting on the right one and taping up the rivets for filling.

Leading edges all primed (inside only as I've been doing for all skins).

Starting to put the right leading edge on.

Working my way around, row by row.  It can be hard to bend it around, but this method of 1 or 2 rivets for each rib at a time seemed to work well.  The only hard one was the first one around the bend - but some good pushing while inserting the cleco worked.

And it's around!

I figured while it's on its back I might as well do the filling.  Here it's all taped up.  After this I did the sanding to expose the heads.  Tomorrow I'll mix up some Bondo to spread on the heads.

This is all you need for the rivet filling.  I found the medium grit (120) of the small sanding kit worked best.

  1. Bondo the rivet heads, then sand when dried.  Then pull off the tape and viola! 
  2. When the rivets are done it's time to flip the wing once again.

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