Monday, November 9, 2015

1 hr. testing out the nibbler and then using it to enlarge the holes for the landing lights.

Clamped down a straightedge on my test material and ran the nibbler along it.  Turns out the distance from the straightedge to the cut is exactly 5mm.  Note the crescent-shaped shards on my sleeve.

After removing the plastic film and deburring the edge it looks pretty darn perfect.

My test of cutting along a curve on this trashed landing light plate (from a previous failed experiment with a jig saw...).  Test is to remove the material to the line.

And it works pretty well.  Not perfect, but good enough for this task.

 This is how I used the nibbler - gently running along the edge.  If you push, it will go right through the material...

And the final result (I also ran a Dremel with a Scotchbrite wheel along the edge to smooth it)- not perfect, but good enough.  There's probably a better way to have done this, but I don't have that tool...
Now I need the 25mm buttonhead screws that are missing from my kit...

Holding a 4' straightedge along the leading edge shows a slight gap in the area of the landing lights.   Problem?

  1. Need to wait until Wednesday to remove the tank and test for seal.

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