Tuesday, November 24, 2015

1 hr. doing the final test of the wiring and tying it down.

Labeling all the wires (both ends of course).  Here I'm using the tip position light sync wire as a ground so I can test that wire.  Worked, so all the wires have been tested successfully for continuity.

I put all the ties through the holes and around the bundle before pulling any of them tight - otherwise it would have been more difficult to thread them around if the bundle was already pulled into the stringer.

And it's tied down.  I'm wondering if where it goes from the step rib to the stringer needs further tying down.  It's pretty stiff and hardly moves.

  1. Mix some of the less viscous sealant and work on the leaks I found.
  2. Start the sealing of the left tank.
  3. Though... I may want to put the right wing on its shelf and start working on the left wing before doing anything with the left tank...  I really want to get started on the left wing!

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