Tuesday, November 17, 2015

1.5 hrs. separating out the landing light wiring from the bundle and wiring up a light.

I posted a question in the Engine topic of the builder's forum, so please check it out.

The two landing light 2-core wires separated out from the bundle heading to the wing tip nav/position light.

And it's routed through.

Wired up and connected to a battery at the fuselage end of the wire bundle and it lights!!  After this I labeled all the landing light wires.

  1. Wire up the other landing light and test.
  2. Tubing to connect to the fuel vent is arriving tomorrow and end caps might be arriving tomorrow, so as soon as I have all that I'll be able to test the tank. 
  3. I got more cleco's (I was running short) recently, so I can work on the left fuel tank.  I'd like to have that done (well, as far as I can have it done without the wing to connect to) by this weekend.
  4. Wire up the wing tip nav/position light and test.

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