Friday, November 27, 2015

5 hrs. working on sealing the leaks in the right tank and sealing the ribs and stringers in the left tank.

Hooked up my portable vacuum to "The Contraption" to get a suction in the tank.  Tried to make it so that the suction from the vac was mostly pulling open air and some from the tank because you don't want much suction.  Well, it still pulled too much (the skins were sucking in), so I opened up the other side of the contraption to allow more open air pulling and that seemed to work well.  In this picture you can see the duct tape was closing up too much and so it was pulling too much from the tank.  With the vacuum going I first brushed on MEK in all the leaking locations and then applied the more liquid version of the ProSeal to allow that to get sucked in.  Released the suction and then cleaned up everywhere I applied the sealant.  I'll give that 3 days to fully set and then test it again...  Fingers crossed...

Getting ready to work on the left tank.  End ribs of the tank are done first, then the stringer.  Before this point I made sure rivets will go in all the holes - if not, then I reamed it out.  After that I cleaned everything with MEK.

Here the end ribs and stringer are done.  Every hole gets a cleco.

All the ribs are done!  Let this semi-set overnight and then it will be riveted.

  1. Rivet the left tank.
  2. Seal the fuel tank cap in place.  Fuel drain is en-route (I ruined the one I had for this tank), so when that arrives that also must be sealed in place.
  3. Bend the drain tube and connect.
  4. Apply the more liquid sealant to all internal seams and rivet heads.
  5. Retest of right tank.
  6. Right wing down and start on the left wing!!

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