Saturday, December 19, 2015

1 hr. on the left wing landing light assembly and pitot

Cleco'ed together the landing light assembly and put in the rivnuts with the Loctite 277.  I'll rivet the assembly after I've test fitted the leading edge skin.

Test fitting of the pitot assembly.

I've extensively updated and added lots of detail to the next sessions list.  This is super helpful to me to know what I'm going to be doing so that I don't have to waste time thinking about it when I go to work on the plane.  And I just like looking at the list to know exactly what I'm going to be doing and in what order.  Otherwise it's easy to get overwhelmed when there's lot to do...

  1. Flip to bottom
  2. Test fit of bottom skins (STRINGER!) for fit and levelness.
  3. Test fit of pitot assembly (need to cut hole for pitot?).
  4. Test fit of leading edge skin.
  5. Flip to top
  6. Remove top skins and leading edge skin and rivet ribs and pitot assembly.
  7. Flip to bottom
  8. Rivet bottom skins (STRINGER!).
  9. Flip to top
  10. Wiring in.
  11. Landing lights in and tested.  Test wing tip lights.
  12. Air lines in.
  13. Fitting and final sealing of left wing fuel tank.  Tank off and test for seal.
  14. Inspection of both wings by EAA Tech Counselor.
  15. Fuel tank on.  Just bolted at this point.
  16. Top skins riveted on (STRINGERS!).
  17. Leading edge riveted on (STRINGER!).
  18. Rivet fuel tank on.
  19. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  20. Fill rivets with Bondo.
  21. Finish right wing (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20).
  22. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  23. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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