Thursday, December 24, 2015

5 hrs. riveting the bottom skin of the left wing.

Bottom skin on.  Had to pull the plastic off and was very glad it was of the "easy to get off" variety.

Looking underneath to make sure that the clecos were going into the ribs, etc. and not missing them because a part is misaligned.

A sea of cleco's...  Notice the red dots which I placed to know where not to rivet (leading edge and fuel tank attachment points).

And the sea of rivets added...

A couple of the rivets needed shortening because of something underneath.

All done!!

  1. Fill rivets with Bondo.
  2. Flip to top.
  3. Wiring in.
  4. Landing lights in and tested.  Test wing tip lights.
  5. Air lines in.
  6. Fitting and final sealing of left wing fuel tank.  Tank off and test for seal.
  7. Inspection of both wings by EAA Tech Counselor.
  8. Fuel tank on.  Just bolted at this point.
  9. Top skins riveted on (STRINGERS!).  Top skins of left wing need priming.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  10. Leading edge riveted on (STRINGER!).  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  11. Rivet fuel tank on.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  12. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  13. Finish right wing (8,9,10,11,12).  Also Bondo for bottom skin of right wing.
  14. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  15. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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