Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Added two new pages to the website: Firewall Forward and Sling 4 Gallery.  You can get to them above under the Other Stuff menu above.

The Firewall Forward page is basically what I have in the last post, until I gather more information.  And the Sling 4 Gallery is my collection of Sling 4 photos I've gathered from various places over the last year or two.  If your aircraft is among the photos, thank you!  If you'd rather not have your photo on the site please let me know.

I'd also like to remind people to check (and post to) the Sling Builder's Forum.  I noticed a question posted today from Gordon, so I'm hoping he can get some input from other people.  Thanks!

I'm hoping to finally have a couple of hours tomorrow to finish off the interior sealing of the left tank.  I should receive the Loctite 290 on Friday, so then I'll be able to finish off the fixing and final testing of the right tank.

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