Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Work has been busy...  Since I need 3 or 4 straight hours to fit and seal the tank it's been hard to find that block of time.  Meanwhile it dawned on me the other day that I need to take the wing off the boxes before I fit or rivet anything since on those boxes the wing doesn't have the proper twist.  It needs to on the jigs.  I'll actually put it on 2x4's on the jigs since they need to be raised up a bit to provide clearance for the pitot.  But, as long as I level the two jigs we're good to go.  Precision!

Off these boxes it must come!

I wasn't happy with the results of my pitot line leak test the other day so I cut the surgical tubes and did it this way, blowing up the balloon via one of these lines carefully with the compressor.

The remotely blown up balloon.  Better than trying to blow up the balloon directly and placing it on the pitot (dumb way I think...;-)).

  1. Fitting and final sealing of left wing fuel tank.  Tank off and test for seal.
  2. Mark bolts.
  3. Fuel tank on.  Just bolted at this point.
  4. Top skins riveted on (STRINGERS!).  Top skins of left wing need priming.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  5. Leading edge riveted on (STRINGER!).  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  6. Rivet fuel tank on.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  7. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  8. Finish sanding of left wing bottom rivet heads.
  9. Finish right wing (3,4,5,6,7).
  10. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  11. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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