Tuesday, February 16, 2016

1 hr. taking the wing down off the 2x4's, removing the fuel tank and bolting down the wing.

Glad I put slick painter's tape down where you connect the fuel tank.  You can see the sealant that leaked out and if that attached to the spar it would have been hell trying to get the tank back off.  As it is it took me a good 15 minutes of separating and jiggling to detach it from the tape.  If that didn't work I could have peeled the tape, which wouldn't have been an option without the tape...

And the tank is back in the jig!  Before testing it I'm going to put sealant around the fuel sender plate and it's bolts.  My tech counselor strongly recommended doing that as he said the cork will eventually leak.  Once that's done I'll post a picture of what I'm talking about.

In order for the wing to just sit on the jigs I had to separate the tables and cut the carpet to make room for the pitot.

I certainly noticed that when the tank is hanging on the wing it twists the wing - Don't Want That while I'm riveting the wing skins!  So I drilled new holes in the table and tightened down the bolts while checking both jigs for the same exact angle.  It won't move now!!

  1. Remove plastic and deburr fuselage parts while the tank is being tested.
  2. Apply sealant on the fuel sender plates and bolts on both tanks.
  3. Test left tank for seal.  I do need to trim the fuel vent tube to proper length first.
  4. Mark bolts.
  5. Fuel tank on.  Just bolted at this point.
  6. Top skins riveted on (STRINGERS!).  Top skins of left wing need priming.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  7. Leading edge riveted on (STRINGER!).  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  8. Rivet fuel tank on.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  9. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  10. Finish sanding of left wing bottom rivet heads.
  11. Finish right wing (5,6,7,8,9).
  12. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  13. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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