Saturday, February 20, 2016

1 hr. yesterday cutting the vent tube to length and starting to set up the leak test of the left tank.

The cutter on the tube to cut it to the exact same length as the other tank.

Trying out a simplified setup vs. the franken-setup I had for the right tank.  I'm going to pressurize the tank (very carefully) with the compressor blowing into the rubber tube attached at the bottom of the photo.  I'll probably need a bigger rubber tube though to get over that fitting's threads.

  1. Remove plastic and deburr fuselage parts while the tank is being tested (and any other spare time I have).
  2. Test left tank for seal.
  3. Mark all wing bolts.
  4. Fuel tank on.  Just loosely bolted at this point.
  5. Top skins riveted on (STRINGERS!).  Top skins of left wing need priming first.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  6. Leading edge riveted on (STRINGER!).  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  7. Rivet fuel tank on.  Fill rivets with Bondo.
  8. Install landing lights.
  9. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  10. Finish sanding of left wing bottom rivet heads.
  11. Finish right wing (4,5,6,7,8,9,10).
  12. Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  13. Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.

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