Friday, April 29, 2016

2 hrs. finishing the riveting of the leading edge and starting on the tip assembly.

All done!

The tip is off the jig.  Test fit of the end rib...

And discovered that I have the wrong tip skin...  Turns out I have two lefts...  The instructions underneath show the correct part.  See how it faces the other way (it may look like it's simply upside-down, but it's not)...  The factory will send out the correct part on Monday.  Meanwhile I can still rivet in the end rib, route the wiring through and start the fit of the composite tip.

  1. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  2. Test fit of aileron and flap, with likely adjustment of the aileron to line up the trailing edges.
  3. Fill rivets (use filler this time and try the factory recommended method of filling the rivets).
  4. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  5. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  6. Fill rivets of elevator.

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