Monday, April 18, 2016

4 hrs. over the last 3 days (my internet was down :-(...) moving the left wing to the shelf and working on the right wing.

Left wing on the shelf and right wing back on the bench!

Right wing ready for completion!

Skins on for a final fit.

One final test of the right tank...

But, found a couple of pinhole leaks (ugh..)...  Here's one around a fitting.  I put the wicking Loctite in there, but I didn't feel that worked great, and I don't really trust it, so I mixed up some sealant and put that on both.  Will re-test in a couple of days.

While it's setting I put it on the wing for a final fit check - A-OK.

Skins back off.

This was a (still unresolved) problem on the left wing.  Part of a rib is too close to the hole above, so a rivet won't fit.  This time I have access, so I'm grinding down that rib so I can get a shortened rivet in there.

The pic is upside down but you can see the grinding down I'm doing.  More to go to fit the rivet.

  1. Retest right tank on Wednesday
  2. Bolt fuel tank on.
  3. Top skins riveted on.
  4. Leading edge riveted on
  5. Fuel tank riveted on.
  6. Fill rivets (use filler this time).
  7. Wing tip assembly and light installation.
  8. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  9. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  10. Fill rivets of elevator.

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