Monday, May 16, 2016

1.5 hrs. finishing the rivet sanding and cleaning the wing.

I made a new, larger, widget for sanding rivets.  But, I actually think...

... that it's quicker to tape the already filled rivets and quickly sand off the tops.  At this point I think the fastest way to fill rivets is to fill them one at a time with the widget and then sand them with the taping method.  If you tape for the filling part you end up with lots of filler on the tape, which hardens and then also has to be sanded off which makes that part of the process much slower.  Taping after the fill means the tape will be clean and can be quickly sanded.  Sanding off the heads one at a time with the widget is too tedious.

Just slide the long piece of sandpaper (120 grit worked well) along the tape and the tape pulls right off the head and at the same time it sands the filler off the head.   Very quick.

Cleaned off the wing with Extreme Simple Green and she's ready to put on the shelf!  Yay!

  1. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  2. Fill rivets of elevator.
  3. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.

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