Thursday, May 26, 2016

1.5 hrs. assembling Rear Ribs 4 and 3.

Figured out based on discussions with the factory about the holes of Ribs 401 L & R not lining up that those Ribs were mislabeled: L is R and R is L.  That was the only way things lined up all the way around (including the proper orientation of the corner pieces as per the instructions).  Here I'm cleco'ing the parts into the jig and placing the rivets ready to be pulled.

Once all the holes not going through the jig are pulled then it's time to take it out of the jig and pull the rest.

...pulling the rest out of the jig.

And Rear Rib 4 is done.

Rib 3...  If you look close in the instructions you can see it shows the parts with the flanges facing away...  So, I flipped it over and attached the jig from behind.  But, I found, the holes connecting the top ribs to the side ribs did not line up...  After starting over and trying every possibility, it turned out that again the top ribs were mislabeled..  L is R and R is L.  I'm sure of this since the hole patterns all the way around are unique and the corner pieces had to have their chamfered corner up, so the only way was to swap the top pieces.  Hey, I was the only kid to get 100% on the really hard final exam in my drafting class in high school, so I must be right. ;-).  I thought about it for a good 20 minutes before I said it must be and riveted it.  We'll see...

If anybody in the factory can look at this Rib 3 assembly and tell me it's wrong, please let me know!

  1. Start to gather parts for the next several pages of instructions and start to prep them.
  2. Need to find the rudder and elevator guides for these assemblies as they weren't in the Rib assembly parts bags.
  3. Fill bottom rivets of elevator and fillet the composite tips of it to the skin (to be done in "spare" time).
  4. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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