Monday, May 23, 2016

2 hrs. priming parts and starting fuselage sub-assemblies.

Bought a set of precision hex wrenches.  There are many hex head bolts ahead so it's best to have a quality set (as opposed to the lower quality kind that have all the sizes in one hand-held piece).

Ready for priming!

First discrepancy with the instructions (Rib 9).  The instructions say 4mm rivets here, but these are 4.8mm holes.

But the attaching part is 4mm, so they had to be reamed out to 4.8mm.

And then when I attached the next piece...  These top holes don't line up... Grrr...

So, factory, what are the correct measurements for these parts, so that I can determine which one is incorrect?

Rib 8 went together easily.

Rib 7 also went together easily.

Four of the holes on Rib 7 were close to a flange so I bent the mandrels to better rivet them.

Here's my little hand-made widget for riveting bent mandrels.

And Rib 7 is done.

Rib 6 fit well.

Rib 6 done for now (some holes get riveted later).

Ribs 8, 7 and 6.

  1. Start 5, 4 and 3 Rib sub-assemblies while I find out about Rib 9.
  2. Fill bottom rivets of elevator and fillet the composite tips of it to the skin (to be done in "spare" time).
  3. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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