Sunday, June 19, 2016

1 hr starting to rivet the rear skins.

I like to do the riveting in a symmetrical manner.  I did the first set of rivets for two rows on the left side then I did the same set of rivets on the right side.  Next will be back on the left side to do the second set (removing the cleco's) and then the same on the right side.  Back and forth to even out the tension I'm creating.  Frankly I don't know that it makes any difference to do it that way, it just seems like a good idea. :-)

Was in NYC (my hometown!) over the weekend and got to enjoy a treat we had in Venice, Italy; Grom's all-natural gelato.   Delicious!!  This one is right near Columbus Circle in Manhattan.

Also saw this wonderful play on Broadway.  If you can, see it!!  I think it's coming to Boston soon, so any locals should see it when it gets here.

  1. Continue to rivet the rear skins on.
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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