Thursday, June 30, 2016

1 hr. hunting down parts...

I think I've decided to take all the parts out of the various labeled bags and simply alphabetize them.  I'm spending way too much time trying to find parts in the multitude of bags.  While the bags are designed to organize items by when you'll need them, I'm finding that I don't know which bag to look in to find a particular part because there's much overlap between the various sections you're working on.  For example I've spent close to half an hour looking for CF-PLT-017 and 018, which are reinforcing plates and have still not found them.

So, tomorrow I'm going to burn several hours taking everything out of their bags and sorting them by part number.  All the RF's, all the CF's, etc.  And then sorting within those groups: AMS, ANG, BKT, CHL, etc.  Then by number.  Then I'm going to distribute them around my garage and label them.

I would actually recommend the factory re-do the bags this way (e.g. Bag: CF-BKT's 001-027...).  Just my two cents.  Maybe I'm wrong, but that works better for me.  I'll bet it's organized that way at the factory...?

Which is the right part?  I have a question into the factory to figure out which is the correct part to use.  It could be that the smaller one is generic and the bigger one is for Garmin autopilots?

Lots of parts!  Time to mega-organize!!  Probably should have done this a couple of months ago... ;-)

  2. Prep of next batch of parts for center fuselage.
  3. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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