Tuesday, June 7, 2016

2 hr. working on the fuselage.  Got the answer from the factory about the holes: Drill through the gusset holes, through the longeron and into the channel holes.  The gusset/channel holes are correct and the angled longeron holes are not.

Now that I had the answer it was time to rivet this whole section.

I noticed this overlap of the longeron of the flange, so I....

...clipped it off.  Both sides had the issue.

Noticed that these two holes had no match in the channel, so I drilled them out with a small drill bit and used the chucking reamer bit to size them properly.

And done.

Since I noticed there some longitudinal play in how the holes line up between the gusset and the longeron (the rib can pivot, so the gusset moves) I've decided to wait to drill these out until the skins are cleco'ed on so I can ensure they are properly positioned.  Then I'll use larger rivets than what was going to go there to get a better grip.

  1. Start putting on the 3 rear fuselage skins as per the instructions.
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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