Sunday, June 26, 2016

3 hrs. doing various tasks..  Waiting for the factory to get back to me on the weight and balance using the Rotax 915 so I can understand what parts I will use for the parachute.  So, a bunch of rear fuselage work will have to be deferred until that's resolved.

If you orient the metal guides (whatever they're called) as shown in the manual (long slots on the inside) then the guide just behind is upside down.

Swap them and the guide can be attached.  Based on the Sling 2 rudder cable assembly instructions Bob Zaleski just sent me, this is correct.

Looking back, the cables cross over between ribs 3 and 4.

I assume those holes have to have some protection installed to protect the cables, but the manual makes no mention of it.  I removed the cables since I don't want them damaged and will wait until I understand what goes there.

If I had reread Peter Calley's blog I would have remembered that these inner holes shouldn't have gotten riveted yet.  Two more on the other side and two at the inside top.  Oh well, drilled them out.

With all the reaming and drilling it was time for some cleaning of the rear fuselage.

Main spar out and rear spar temporarily assembled.  I'll collect the next batch of parts of do the prep work.

  1. Prep of next batch of parts for center fuselage.
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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