Wednesday, July 13, 2016

1 hr. widening the opening in the ribs to allow the gear mounting box and success!

Also, I've gotten advice not to rivet the ribs to the bottom skin...  Well, for the rear center fuselage skin - too late...  Hmm...  What lies ahead since I did that...

Bought some thick square steel stock and cut it into some short pieces to use as a hammering surface to bend the flanges further back.  Here are the pieces.

In place for some banging with my rawhide hammer.

And it's bent further back.

Tight fit, but it's in!   I saw on Peter Calley's blog that the holes from the mounting box into the bottom skins should not be riveted since a cover piece will be riveted to them later.  Thanks Peter!

  1. Whatever is next after the gear mounting box...
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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