Wednesday, July 6, 2016

2 hrs. working on the center fuselage assembly.

Putting together the parts for the rear spar assembly.

Rear spar assembly big picture.

Several parts go together.

I measured about 4 in-lbs of friction drag torque on the nut and that gets added to the table value for an AN3 bolt with a nyloc nut, which is 28 in-lbs, to get a final torque value of 32 in-lbs.

Starting to put some parts on the main spar.  Don't put BKT-002 on before you've maneuvered the 013's behind the spar web.

In place.


Started to cleco together the rear bottom assembly.

  1. Continue work on center fuselage assemblies.
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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