Saturday, July 9, 2016

4 hrs. finishing the rear center fuselage assembly.

Console seat brackets installed!  Nut is kept loose until later.

Now to position and drill out the holes for the elevator autopilot bracket.  Measure twice....

Almost forgot these two parts in the assembly!  Good thing it was only cleco'ed at this point....

Used a spring-loaded punch (several "hits") to put a dent so the small drill bit doesn't wander.

First hole drilled, reamed to size and cleco'ed.

Used a cleco clamp so it wouldn't move when I was doing the other holes.

And it's done!

All cleco'ed back together.

Riveted all the holes through the rear spar web and now it's time to rivet the bottom.  Note that it's held up with a bungee so it doesn't fall.


Started positioning things for the next step.

Wait, does this hole get drilled out (the hole is not there in the rear spar web).  I'm thinking yes.

  1. Main spar and undercarriage channel.
  2. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling.?? (to be done in "spare" time).

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