Thursday, September 1, 2016

1 hr. over the last 2 days (lots going on these days, so time has been scarce to work on the plane).

Don't think I mentioned it but The Boston Globe (one of the top papers in the USA) is doing a feature on me that will appear in the Sunday, Sept. 11th (unfortunate date, but no choice) paper's Globe West section.  A columnist interviewed me last week and a Globe photographer was here yesterday.  I'll post a link once I have that.

Installed the stop on the aileron servo.

Shaved my beard, then tried on my new cool Sling Bling T-shirt! ;-)

Have started gathering parts for the next big blast of priming that I'll do over the long weekend.  I'm going to do a lot this time since I feel like it's slowing me down not having parts primed are ready to go.  It's tempting to do all of the remaining parts, but that's an overwhelming amount of parts...  We'll see.

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