Sunday, September 11, 2016

2 hrs. starting the test fitting of the flap and elevator tubes and starting to rivet the gear mounting channel.

I'm now officially between jobs so until I secure some work I'll have many more hours to work on the plane.

Question: Do these 3 rings need to be riveted to the tube?  I would assume so, but don't see any instructions about it.  Four rivets each?

There's a gap on either side of the elevator control stop, so I'll probably make some shims to bridge that gap.  Also there aren't any rib holes that line up with the bracket holes, so those will have to be drilled.

Top view.  The flap tube is definitely still too tight so I'll have to do more filing/grinding.  The elevator tube less so, but still will need some work.  Note that the two middle ribs on both sides don't have bushings.

Question: I assume these will need to be riveted too?

Counter-sunk rivets in the gear mounting channel.

Done by hand.

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