Tuesday, September 13, 2016

.5 hrs. doing not much...  Feeling slightly under the weather today I wasn't in the mood to hang out in the garage, but I still did a bit.

Contemplating my approach for attaching the front elevator stop to the ribs.  There's a gap, there are no holes in the ribs and it's slightly blocking a hole in the rib that will be getting a rivet to attach the closing rib.  First I need to rivet the ribs to the GMC (Gear Mounting Channel) so that it is in it's final position, then I need to grind away a bit of the stop to allow for the rivet head.  Then I need to fabricate some shims to bridge the gaps and drill holes in them lining up with the stop's holes.  I'll need to figure out how to locate and drill the holes in the ribs, then they'll be riveted.

So I feel like I did something today I riveted the other elevator stop on the GMC.  Because of all the flange bending and forcing in this area, a lot of the holes visible in this photo don't line up well.  Will probably need to enlarge these to the next size up rivets (though I want to make sure there won't be any spacing issues on the inside of the GMC).

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